Are incessant pen clickers, constant snifflers, PowerPoint over-animators, unhelpful Smart phones, or sweaty palms the bane of your existence? If you find these things ... Compulsive Behavior and Perfectionism. Posted by:& ...
powerpoint on perfectionism
Giving presentations: Powerpoint, palpitations and perfectionism. Posted on May 29, 2013 by Alison. When you have to give a presentation, do you stride confidently to the front, face forward, spread your hands and project verbal rainbows& ...
Vision boarding for perfectionists, left brainers, corporates and powerpoint lovers. Vision Powerpoint. I`ve always wanted to make a vision board but I am a bit of a perfectionist. The thought of cutting and pasting magazines& ...
Great PowerPoint tutorial about multiple ways to email your PowerPoint presentations, with background music, voice narration and other multimedia files included. You ...
Are incessant pen clickers, constant snifflers, PowerPoint over-animators, unhelpful Smart phones, or sweaty palms the bane of your existence? If you find these things ... Compulsive Behavior and Perfectionism. Posted by:& ...
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